Meine ersten Satze auf Deutsch – Arabischer Untertitel
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Meine ersten Sätze auf Deutsch – Arabischer Untertitel

What could be more attractive and useful in learning a foreign language than a picture turned into an animated film, and the words spoken by nice and friendly characters?! And more, what if the author creates suggestive contexts that help you accumulate vocabulary effectively?


Well, here is My first sentences in German language, a product that contains 13 animated videos, exercises and downloadable pdfs after each film. It is a course for beginners as children, teenagers or any other age.
Why is it special? It’s because you will find a complex vocabulary, easy to remember due to the sentences in agreement with the images. The various topics cover a part of our environment, such as the Fairground, the Park, the Garden, the Street, the Petrol Station.

And even more, at the end of each video, you’ll find another one containing the vocabulary of the animated film, both the verbs and the nouns. An image and a pronunciation accompany each word, so it will be very effortless to remember them. As you see, everything has a German translation, everything is pronounced. And, just for fun and joy to be part of the learning process, you’ll have a few exercises. Through this interactivity, you practically revise the various notions in the video.
You can also have the content of each movie in a very beautiful .pdf file that you can download to your own computer.
This product is ideal for all those who want to accumulate and consolidate their knowledge of German in the most engaging way possible.


At the end of this fun learning activity, the learner:

1. Knows hundreds of words in German brought already in very necessary sentences that he/she can quickly apply in everyday life.

2. By extracting knowledge in an interactive way, he/she comes to love German, being already motivated to move on to learning the next level, of greater difficulty.

3. Has the learning experience on an online platform, where he/she sees the lesson in the form of a movie, completes exercises with the vocabulary, downloads pdfs, thus getting used to the new ways of learning, which will be specific to today’s and future’s generation.

Enjoy it and learn!

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