all |
totul, toată, toți, toate, toată lumea |
singular/plural (după înțeles) All you see here is mine. They are all my brothers. |
another |
un altul, încă unul |
singular Another one is my friend. |
(+) oricare, (-) nici unul, nici unii, (?) vreunul, vreunii, (?-) nici unul, nici una, nici unii, nici unele.
singular/plural (după înțeles)
I can’t see any of you here.
Is there any food in the fridge?
(+) oricine, (-) nimeni, (?) cineva, (?-) nimeni
This exercise can’t be solved by anybody.
Is anybody there?
any more |
(-) nu mai, (?) mai, (?-) nu mai |
singular/plural (după înțeles) Tea? There is any more in the pot. The English books? There aren’t any more on the shelf. |
anyone |
(+) oricine, (-) nimeni, (?) cineva, (?-) nimeni |
singular Is anyone in the classroom? If anyone would like to go on the trip, they should speak with Mrs. Smith, the English teacher. |
anything |
(+) orice, (-) nimic, (?) ceva, (?-) nimic |
Singular Anything from him is good. |
both (of) |
amândoi, ambii |
Plural Both of them are good guys. |
each (one) |
fiecare (în parte), fiecare dintre ei |
Singular Each of your collegues is a professional. |
either (of) |
fiecare, oricare (din doi), in contrast cu amândoi, ambii |
singular Either of you is welcome to ask questions. |
everybody |
toată lumea, toți, fiecare, oricine |
Singular Everybody calls me Denissa. |
everyone |
oricine, toată lumea, toți, fiecare |
Singular Everyone knows the truth. |
everything |
tot, totul, toate |
Singular Everything I have is you. |
few |
(prea) puțini |
Plural From all the moments we had, few were beautiful. |
a few |
câțiva, destui not a few = multișori destui, destul de mulți |
Plural Not a few wanted pizza. |
the former |
cel dintâi (pomenit), primul din cei doi/din ei, întâiul, (rar) cei dintâi (pomeniți) |
singular / plural (rar) I don’t like this president, the former was better. |
the latter |
acesta din urmă, ultimul pomenit, (rar) ultimii/cei din urmă (pomeniți) |
singular / plural (rar) Which part of the book was hardest to write, the first one? No, the latter was difficult. |
little (of) |
(foarte/prea) puțin, mai nimic |
Singular Only a little of it was good. |
a little |
ceva, un pic, puțin (aproape destul), not a little = multișor, destul de mult |
Singular – I need some sugar. – Look, a little is here! |
a little more |
încă ceva, încă puțin / un pic |
Singular A little more would be perfect. |
many |
mulți, multe, (la afirmativ este înlocuit de a lot of, a great deal of) |
Plural Many have heard of her. |
For the next ones, we invite you to create some examples and then to send them to us for a verification:
enough |
destul, suficient |
singular |
less |
mai puțin |
singular |
more |
mai mult |
sometimes plural and sometimes singular |
most (of) |
cel mai mult, majoritatea |
sometimes plural and sometimes singular |
much |
mult |
singular |
neither |
nici unul |
singular |
nobody |
nimeni |
singular |
no one |
nici unul |
singular |
nothing |
nimic |
singular |
none (of) |
nimic, nici unul |
sometimes plural and sometimes singular |
one |
unul |
singular |
oneself |
unul însuși |
singular |
other |
altul |
singular |
others |
alții |
always with plural |
several |
câțiva |
always with plural |
some |
niște |
always with plural |
somebody |
cineva |
singular |
someone |
cineva |
singular |
such |
astfel de |
sometimes plural and sometimes singular |
they |
ei, ele |
always with plural |