Phrasal verbs 1 –
string(4) "post"

Phrasal verbs 1

Cine nu a intampinat probleme cu verbele cu prepozitii din limba engleza?! Acele „phrasal verbs” care ne chinuie pe toți? Așa cum știm, acestea sunt de patru feluri:

  1. Separabile (tranzitive), prepozitia de după verb se separa de verb
  2. Neseparabile (tranzitive), prepozitia de după verb nu se separa de verb
  3. Verbe formate din trei cuvinte (tranzitive).
  4. Verbele intranzitive.

În acest articol și în alte cateva dintre urmatoarele articole, va vom prezenta câteva exemple din fiecare.

Inseparable Phrasal Verbs (Transitive)

There are some phrasal verbs, where the lexical part of the verb  cannot be separated from the prepositions (or other parts) after them:

look after:   „after” is not separated from „look”

  • „I look after my children every day.”

Examples of inseparable phrasal verbs:

  • call on (ask to recite in class)

The teacher called on John, who knew the lesson.

  • call on (2) (visit)

We called on my family last Sunday.

  • get over (recover from sickness or disappointment)

It took me 3 weeks to get over the flu.

  • go over (review)

Alice went over the material a few times before the exam.

  • go through (use up; consume)

We went through our supplies in 2 days.

  • look after (take care of)

My mother told me to look after my brother while she was gone.

În articolul următor vă promitem mai multe exemple!!

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