Proba de Speaking – Flyers – contine 4 parti:
In prima parte candidatului i se cere sa gaseasca diferentele intre doua imagini, in a doua parte are loc un schimb de informatii intre candidat si examinator, in a treia parte se creeaza o poveste pe baza unor imagini, iar in ultima parte examinatorul adreseaza intrebari personale.
Am creat acest model special pentru cei care doresc sa exerseze pentru examenul Cambridge de nivel Flyers (A2).
Modelul poate fi descarcat de mai jos:
The candidate enters the room.
Hello. My name’s Ms Johnson.
What’s your name?
What’s your surname?
How old are you, Jane?
- Find the differences
Now, here are two pictures. My picture is nearly the same as yours, but some things are different.
For example, in my picture, there are two boys with two dogs, but in your picture, there is only one boy with his dog. OK?
I’m going to say something about my picture. You tell me how your picture is different.
Examiner: In my picture, the hot-air balloon is yellow.
Candidate: In my picture it’s pink.
Examiner: In my picture, the girl on the left is holding a pineapple.
Candidate: In my picture, she’s holding a tomato.
Examiner: In my picture, there are three buckets next to the girl who’s painting the bench.
Candidate: In my picture, there isn’t anything next to the girl who’s painting.
Examiner: In my picture, there’s a plane in the sky.
Candidate: In my picture, there isn’t a plane in the sky.
Examiner: In my picture, there are three swans on the lake.
Candidate: In my picture, there are only two.
Examiner: In my picture, the girl in a red T-shirt is playing the guitar.
Candidate: In my picture, she’s playing the maracas.
- Information Exchange
Examiner: Fred and Karen have both got new hobbies. I don’t know anything about Fred’s hobby, but you do. So I am going to ask you some questions.
- What is Fred’s new hobby?
Candidate: It’s gardening.
- Where does he do it?
Candidate: In his backyard.
- What does he wear?
Candidate: He wears a blue T-shirt and some purple trousers.
- When does he do it?
Candidate: At the weekends.
- Why does he like it?
Candidate: He likes it because he is able to harvest his own vegetables and herbs.
Examiner: Now you don’t know anything about Karen’s new hobby, so you ask me some questions.
Candidate: What is Karen’s new hobby?
Examiner: It’s painting.
Candidate: When does she do it?
Examiner: She does it on Saturdays.
Candidate: Where does she do it?
Examiner: In her home studio.
Candidate: What does she wear?
Examiner: She wears an apron.
Candidate: Why does she like it?
Examiner: It’s exciting because she can express her creativity and emotions.
- Picture Story
These pictures tell a story. It’s called ‘A game of football’. Just look at the pictures first.
Matt and Tom are playing football, but football isn’t much fun when there are only two people. Matt’s saying, ‘Let’s go to the beach to look for our friends.’
Now you tell the story.
Matt and Tom are at the beach but their friends aren’t there. Tom saw them in a boat and waved at them. The boat is heading to the beach.
The children are getting out of the boat.
All of them are playing football. They’re having a lot of fun.
- Personal Questions
Now let’s talk about you.
Do you live in a house?
No, I live in a flat.
How many rooms are there?
Who do you live with?
My family.
Tell me about your bathroom.
Is it big or small?
It’s big.
What colour is it?
It’s white and blue.
What’s it got in it?
It’s got a bathtub, a washbasin, a toilet, and a mirror.
OK, thank you, *.