Model Starters Pre-A1 - Proba de Speaking –
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Model Starters Pre-A1 – Proba de Speaking

Proba de Speaking se desfasoara astfel:

Pasul 1. Examinatorul întreabă copilul „Cum te numești?”, apoi prezintă copilului o scena și îl pune să indice anumite obiecte din imagine, cum ar fi „Unde se află …?”. Apoi, examinatorul solicită copilului să plaseze două cartonase cu obiecte în diverse locații de pe imagine, de exemplu, „Pune roboțelul pe noptiera din dreapta.”

În pasul 2, examinatorul adresează întrebări despre două dintre persoanele sau obiectele din imagine, de exemplu, „Ce este asta?” (Răspuns: banană) „Care este culoarea acestui obiect?” (Răspuns: galben).

De asemenea, examinatorul îi cere copilului să descrie un obiect din imagine, de exemplu, „Spune-mi despre aceasta carte.”

În pasul 3, examinatorul pune întrebări despre cele patru cartonase cu obiecte, de exemplu, „Ce este asta?” (Răspuns: un pahar cu lapte) 

În pasul 4, examinatorul adresează întrebări despre copil, cum ar fi „Ce sport îți place?”, „Care este materia ta preferată?” etc.

Iată un model creat de noi, pentru a exersa:

Proba de Speaking – Starters Pre-A1 – cu raspunsuri

Speaking Starters Pre A1 1

Part I

Examiner: Hello. My name’s Ms Johnson. What’s your name?

Child: Hello. My name is Mary.


Examiner: Look at this. This is a sea. The kids are playing on the beach.


While the examiner is asking these questions, the child must point to items in the picture.

Examiner: Here’s the beach.

Where’s the starfish?

Where are the crabs? Are these the crabs?


Speaking Starters Pre A1 2


Now look at these. (Point to Object cards)

Which are the shells?

I’m putting the shells next to the starfish.

Now you put the shells near the crab on the right.

Is this a ship? (pointing to the ship)

Put the ship between the boys who are swimming.

Is this a fish? (pointing to the fish)

Put the fish in the sea.

Which is the lifesaver?

Put it on the sand next to the rocks.


Part II

Examiner: Now, what’s this?

Child: It is a ball.

Examiner: What colour is it?

Child: White.

Examiner: How many balls are there? Are there two? Three?

Child: One ball.

Examiner: What’s the man doing?

Child: He is watching the kids.

Examiner: Tell me about this umbrella. (pointing to the umbrella)

Child: It’s red with delicate white lines. It provides shade and protection from the sun.


Part III

Pick out 4 Object cards.

  1. Examiner: What’s this?

Child: (a) sandcastle

Examiner: Do you like it?

Child: Yes/No

Examiner: What’s your favourite thing to do at the seaside?

Child: to swim

  1. Examiner: What’s this?

Child: (a) dolphin

Examiner: Do you like dolphins?

Child: Yes/No

Examiner: What colour is the dolphin?

Child: Blue.

  1. Examiner: What’s this?

Child: (a) seagull

Examiner: Can it fly?

Child: Yes/No

Examiner: How many seagulls are in the picture?

Child: Four

  1. Examiner: What’s this?

Child: the sun

Examiner: Do you think it’s a sunny day?

Child: Yes/No

Examiner: What do you do when it’s too hot outside?

Child: I seek shade and apply sunscreen to protect my skin.


Part IV

Examiner: Where do you like to go on holiday?

Child: At the seaside.

Examiner: What do you eat for lunch?

Child: (a) pizza.

Examiner: Which juice do you like?

Child: I like orange juice.

Examiner: OK. Thank you. Goodbye.

Child: Goodbye.


Here is the VIDEO lesson!