Quantifiers – Global-Learning.ro
string(4) "post"


  1. SOME, ANY, NO
  • “Some” se foloseste in propozitii afirmative si pentru substantive numarabile si pentru cele nenumarabile (is used in affirmative sentences with countable and uncountable nouns.)

some = cateva, niste, o cantitate oarecare de…

I bought some milk to drink in the morning. = Am cumparat niste lapte pentru a bea dimineata.

  • “Any” este de asemenea folosit cu substantive numarabile si nenumarabile dar doar pentru propozitiile negative si interogative (it is also used with countable and uncountable nouns but only in negative sentences and questions.)

Any = niciun, nicio, vreun, vreo

I don’t have any money to visit Paris. (Nu am niciun ban sa vizitez Paris)

  • “No” trebuie folosit cu un verb la forma afirmativa, chiar daca semnificatia sa este negativa (must be used with a verb in its affirmative form, even its meaning is negative.)

There is no sugar in my coffee! (Nu este zahar in cafeaua mea)

  1. SOMETHING, ANYTHING, NOTHING (Ceva, orice, nimic)
  • Folosim someone/somebody (cineva, oricare persoana), anyone/anybody(oricine, vreo persoana) si no one/ nobody (nimeni) numai atunci cand vorbim despre oameni, ”cineva” este folosit in propozitii afirmative, “oricine” este folosit in propozitii negative si interogative, “nimeni” este folosit cu un verb in forma afirmativa, chiar daca semnificatia sa este negativa.

We use someone/somebody(cineva), anyone/anybody(oricine) and no one/ nobody (nimeni) only when we talk about people. Someone/ somebody are used in affirmative sentences, anyone/anybody are used in negative sentences and questions, and no one/nobody are used instead of not anyone/anybody and also when there is a negative meaning, but the verb remains in an affirmative form.

There is someone at the door, can you check, please? Este cineva la usa, poti verifica, te rog?

Yes, I can. There is no one here. Da, pot. Nu este nimeni aici.

Atentie!! In limba romana am raspuns cu doua negatii: “nu” si “nimeni”, in limba engleza asa ceva nu se poate. Negatia “no” este suficienta.

  • Folosim something, anything si nothing atunci cand ne referim la lucruri. (We use something, anything and nothing when we refer to things.)

something = ceva, anything = orice, nothing = nimic

! Sa nu uitam: “nothing” este deja o negatie, nu folosim verb negativ, deci in propozitia cu nothing, nu apare not (don’t, can’t etc)

Have you bought anything to eat? Ai cumparat ceva de mancare?

Sorry, I have bought nothing. – Imi pare rau, nu am cumparat nimic.

  • Folosim somewhere, anywhere and nowhere atunci cand vorbim de locuri. (We use somewhere, anywhere and nowhere when we talk about places.)

somewhere = undeva

anywhere = oriunde, sau in vreun loc anume

nowhere = nicaieri

Have you seen my papers anywhere? They are very important! (Mi-ai vazut documentele pe undeva? Sunt foarte importante)

No, I’m sorry, I have not seen them anywhere. = No, I’m sorry, I have seen them nowhere.

  • “Many” este folosit cu substantive numarabile in propozitii afirmative, negative si interogative. (“Many” is used with countable nouns in affirmative, negative sentences and questions.)

Many = multi, multe

I don’t have many things to do today, let’s see a movie! (Nu am multe lucruri de facut astazi, hai sa vedem un film!

  • Have you read many books this week? (Ai citit multe carti saptamana asta?)
  • “Much” is used with uncountable nouns. “Mult” este folosit cu substantivele nenumarabile. Much = mult, multa

Much se foloseste de obicei in propozitii negative sau interogative.

We don’t have much sugar for coffee, you should go and buy some more.

! When we ask “how much … ?” or “how many …?” we should answer with “much/many/a lot without using the noun. Cand intrebam “Cat de mult/multe?” ar trebui sa raspundem cu “mult/multe/o gramada” fara sa folosim substantivul.

How much money have you spent today? = Not much/ A lot. Cat de multi bani ai cheltuit astazi? = Nu multi/ O gramada

  • “A lot of/ lots of” sunt sinonime si pot fi folosite cu substantive numarabile si nenumarabile in propozitii afirmative. “A lot of/ lots of” have the same meaning and they can be used with countable and uncountable nouns in affirmative sentences.

I’ve got a lot of/ lots of books to read. Am o gramada de carti de citit

  • Pentru substantivele numarabile folosim “a few” = “cateva”, pentru cele nenumarabile folosim “a little”= “putin”. Ambele sunt folosite in propozitii afirmative. (For countable nouns we use a few and for uncountable nouns we use a little. Both of them are used in affirmative sentences.)

There are a few sandwiches on your desk, eat them when you get some time. (Sunt cateva sandvisuri pe biroul tau, mananca-le cand ai timp)

I have just a little time to talk to you, please hurry up! (Am putin timp sa vorbesc cu tine, sa ne grabim, te rog)

  • We use too many/ too much when we want to say that there is a large quantity of something, more than enough. Folosim “prea multe, prea multi/mult” atunci cand vorbim despre cantitati prea mari, mai mult decat suficiente, peste masura.

There is too much sugar in my tea. Este prea mult zahar in ceaiul meu.

You have invited too many friends to our house, we don’t have enough space for everyone. Ai invitat prea multi prieteni acasa, nu avem spatiu pentru toti.

  • “Enough” = “Destul” can be used with countable and uncountable nouns when we want to say there is a sufficient number or quantity of something. “Enough” poate fi folosit cu substantivele numarabile si nenumarabile atunci cand vrem sa spunem ca este suficienta cantitate pentru ceva

There is enough butter for the cake. Este suficient/destul unt pentru prajitura

We don’t have enough bread for dinner. Nu avem destula paine pentru cina.

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