Better formal report?
Transform verb phrases into noun phrases and you will write a better formal report!
Let’s see some examples!
We added salt and the stored product didn’t spoil. (Personal speaking – there are two clauses)
The addition of salt avoided the stored product spoilage. (Formal, less personal, it’s only about the topic, one clause)
Add → addition
Spoil → spoilage
Step by step, people from different cultures, mix together in our country.
The country faces a gradual mixture of cultures.
Mix → mixture
Produce → production
We have produced more new educational software programmes this year.
The production of new educational software programmes has increased this year.
Other examples:
- Measure → measurement
- Satisfy → satisfaction
- Conclude → conclusion
- Arrange → arrangement
- Analyse → analysis
There are verbs with the same form as the nouns.
- Increase → increase
- Release → release
- Change → change
People changed their eating behaviour which led to a higher nutritional quality of their every day food.
The change in people eating behaviour led to a higher nutritional quality of their diet.
Use of preposition in and of when there are two nouns
- The mixture of two colours resulted in the new colour.
- An increase in production will lead to a better profit.