Used to / get used to ... –
string(4) "post"

Used to / get used to …

Just a little English: I used to do / I’m used to doing / Get used to doing

Dupa articolul ce prezenta lectia “used to”, iata alte cateva diferente care merita clarificate.
1. I used to use my old laptop to help me in class, but now I use a new one. Obisnuiam sa folosesc vechiul laptop pentru a ma ajuta la ore, dar acum folosesc unul nou.
Este important sa intelegem ca s-a intamplat in trecut, acum nu mai este valabil.
I used to work for a corporation, but now I run my own company.
I used to go to box trainings, but now I have no time to go, so it’s no longer true.
pentru fiecare exemplu de mai sus pot folosi si “would” in loc de “used to“.

2. I have got a new car. I am not used to driving it. Worse, I am not used to parking it.

3. It is difficult to me to get used to driving it, especially to get used to parking it.
I need to get used to parking a longer car.